Considering Translations
Use Google Translate or other translation tools to check the content of foreign language materials. This may help in translating to another language but the translation can be faulty and may reflect poorly on your expertise. It is better to find education materials in the language desired then check the content as described above.
See for yourself.
Spanish translation of the above paragraph:
Use Google Translate u otras herramientas de traducción para comprobar el contenido de los materiales de lengua extranjera. Esto puede ayudar en la traducción a otro idioma, pero la traducción puede ser defectuoso y puede reflejar negativamente en su experiencia. Es mejor encontrar los materiales de enseñanza en el idioma deseado y comprobar el contenido como se describió anteriormente.
English translation of the Spanish version of the same paragraph:
Use Google Translate or other translation tools to check the contents of foreign language materials. This can help in the translation into another language, but the translation may be defective and may reflect negatively on your experience. It is best to find teaching materials in the desired language and check the contents as described above.
Good translation but try getting technical or using slang terms and see what you get.