American Diabetes Association Accredited Diabetes Education Program
Accreditation is required for Medicare reimbursement of the G codes for DSMT. Accreditation does not, however, guarantee reimbursement. Although most payers require that a DSME/T program has accreditation, reimbursement criteria vary. For example, Medicare provides reimbursement for accredited DSMT programs that are considered “Certified Providers.” Many private payers require that provider agreements be in place prior to providing reimbursement.
At least one of the instructors must be a registered nurse, dietitian, or pharmacist. The instructors must have recent educational and experiential preparation in diabetes education and/or are a CDE. All instructors (including a CDE) will have documentation of at least 15 continuing education hours yearly specified as being diabetes-specific, diabetes-related, and behavior change self-management education strategies (e.g., AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors).