American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists

Written by on May 29, 2011. Posted in Diabetes



The purpose of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists‘ Continuing Medical Education Department is to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of health care delivery by developing and providing educational opportunities for physicians, consistent with the philosophy and goals of AACE.


AACE is a medical professional community of clinical endocrinologists committed to enhancing its members’ ability to provide the highest quality of care. Consistent with this value, the following overarching CME goals are defined:

  • To offer quality educational programs that will enhance the physician’s competence level in serving as an advocate for the health needs of those with endocrine disorders.
  • To facilitate development of other media for offering CME to ensure that physicians receive, in a timely manner, the latest relevant information regarding current treatment modalities and research for endocrine disorders.
  • To maximize the value of the CME experience for physicians by ensuring that CME activities are appropriate to the needs of the physicians and that educational content meets the accepted standards for scientific integrity.

Content Areas

The scope of AACE’s CME Program includes the promotion of educational activities in both clinical and non-clinical settings, and is based on the needs and interests of the AACE membership and other physicians with an interest in endocrinology. Educational content includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Clinical Practice
  • Practice Management
  • Medical/Legal
  • Coding & Reimbursement
  • Risk Management
  • Technological Skills Competence (certification programs and subsequent updates in specific technology use)
  • Clinical Research

Target Audience

AACE attempts to achieve these goals through diverse educational audiences consisting of regional, national, and international participants, which include:

  • Primary Audience:
  1. Practicing clinical adult and pediatric endocrine physicians and surgeons that comprise the majority of AACE membership
  • Secondary Audience:
  1. Other physicians with an interest in endocrinology
  2. Allied health professionals who work for or in close affiliation with AACE members

Type of Activities

AACE CME activities utilize traditional CME and personal interaction with AACE member clinicians, academicians, and subject matter experts through the following learning methodologies:

  • Formal lectures and structured educational discussions
  • Annual meeting clinical congress program
  • Live satellite symposia
  • Interactive case studies and workshops
  • Clinical workshops with direct hands-on participation by attendees
  • Enduring materials (including, but not limited to, printed monographs, CD-ROMs, audio CDs, and on-demand Internet webcasts)
  • Board review courses (such as the endocrine self-assessment program titled “AACE Self Assessment Program” or “ASAP”)

The type of activity selected is designed to assure that the activity’s educational needs and learning objectives are met. Activities provided by AACE may be directly sponsored, co-sponsored, or jointly sponsored with organizations that operate in a manner consistent with our overall CME Mission. Joint sponsors must agree to develop activities in accordance with AACE’s policies and procedures, as well as those outlined by the ACCME and the AMA.

Expected Results

AACE CME activities are designed to:

  • Enhance competence level of AACE members through delivering the highest quality of care to patients with endocrine disorders, consequently enhancing the health and lives of patients.
  • Improve patient confidence and trust with AACE physicians, knowing that AACE-educated and certified physicians deliver the highest quality of care, and that AACE provides them with the highest quality of patient support information.
  • Increase support from healthcare decision makers, believing that AACE has a proven track record of the most well-informed, scientifically accurate, and balanced insight into the appropriate care of patients regarding endocrine and preventive health issues; and, that AACE has established credible, validated positions on key healthcare issues that are critical to the formation of efficient and cost-effective policies.

AACE is committed to assessing the impact of each CME activity through post-activity evaluations, which are used to provide feedback to faculty members and activity planners. AACE assures continuous efficacy of its CME Program through Overall CME Program Evaluations completed by the AACE membership on an annual basis. The results of the Overall CME Program Evaluations are used to pinpoint the needs and interests of the AACE membership and are critical in planning future CME activities.

Amended: July 31, 2007